Windshield Utility Vehicle offers Protection from the Elements

When you have a windshield utility vehicle you are going to be offered some protection from the elements.

You can operate your side-by-side without one of these but it does have a tendency to take some of the fun out of the operation of this vehicle.

When there is moisture in the air it doesn't take long to get good and wet.

If the temperature is low you will soon get cold.

When and if something flies towards you, be it a piece of debris or bug it will fly into your face if you do not have some sort of protection offered.

It is well worth it to have some sort of shield in front of you.

There are many different types of the windshield utility vehicle on the market at this time.

Most of them are made out of a special plastic material.

This is a very tough material able to withstand a moderate blow.

They are prone to scratching so this is something to keep in mind.

You can go to your kawaski parts supplier and look under windshield to get some information about one of these.

You can also go online and research what is offered there.

I would recommend that you do all of this with an open mind as to what your budget is and what you hope to accomplish.

I have a kawaski 610 so I at first searched the 610 accessories and didn't find what I was looking for so I moved on.

I ended up making the shield myself.

The 610 has a curved roll bar and this presented some problems.

I also was faced with the challenge of making sure I could open the front hatch.

I started out with a template.

I am a firm believer that cardboard is cheaper than material.

If I end up wasting some of this no big deal.

After a couple of tries I did have a template that looked as if it would work.

I wanted to use a thin but strong Plexiglas so I ended up with an 1/8inch thick material.

I needed something that could be easily bent without breaking and this fit the bill.

I then used 1/8inch x 1inch flat stock to make a frame around the opening.

This takes two identical frames.

When the frames were fitted to the opening I then sandwiched the plastic between

and bolted them together with, stainless steel, 10/32, short flathead screws and nuts.

I needed the windshield to open up so I mounted the assembly with two hinges at top on the roll bar.

I used two door struts one on each side to limit the opening and to hold it open.

Then I needed something to hold the shield in the closed position so I used two, one on each side of the hold down type screws with a knob on the end.

This was threaded thru a mount on the roll bar.

To make one of these yourself is a lot of work and takes a lot of patience.

If this suits you then lots of luck to you.

However if this isn't something you are interested in tackling then you can go to your kawaski parts and I am sure you can find the windshield utility vehicle that will fit the bill for you.

You want to make work fun with your mule so it is necessary to keep the moisture and foreign objects out of your face, and also the faces of your passengers.

Now that you can see how important it is to have this protection I invite you to go to the following site to get more information and purchase:

mule 610

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